Monday, March 19, 2012

Treasure Island Post 6 (Chapters 13-15)

Chapter 13

The crew is not happy. The weather is bad, and everyone is bummed out. Dr. Livesey heeds warning that they might catch diseases. The anchor is dropped. Smollett keeps his mouth shut on what he knows about the conspiracy. He talks to Trelawney and they decide to let the crew free to the island. The good guys then take control of the ship. Smollett grabs the good guys and takes them aside. Being the pertinent man he is, he gives them weapons. Confident that he will find the treasure soon, Silver leads the way to the shore. Jim runs away from the group.

Chapter 14

Jim walks around the island admiring the scenery, when suddenly, he hears Silver talking to Tom (one of the good guys). Silver inform Tom that his life depends on if he joins the conspirators or not. Tom declines; Silver walks away. Silver throws his crutch at Tom's back. Tom's back breaks. Tom falls to the ground. Silver walks over to Tom. Silver stabs Tom with his knife. Tom dies. Jim runs like heck, and says "so long!" to the Hispaniola and its crew.

Chapter 15

Jim sees a figure in the distance. Is it a wild animal? Is it a cannibal? Jim finally gets close enough to see that it's a human. Jim then remembers that he has a gun. So he approaches the man. Jim meets him, and luckily, he's not a cannibal. His name is Ben Gunn. Ben's been on the island for three years, and mentions more than once that he hasn't encountered any Christians in those three years. As the two have a conversation, Jim finds out that Ben knows how Flint was, and knows the crew. He also learns that the person who buried the treasure was Flint himself, and he murdered the six people who helped him bury it. Ben says that he will help them find the treasure in return for a safe ride home. Ben takes Jim to his headquarters, and they see a Union Jack flag waving in the distance.

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